A current vaccination certificate must be produced for all cats upon arrival. We do not accept titre test certificates or homeopathic vaccinations. No cats will be accepted without an up to date UK certificate for Infectious Enteritis and Feline Influenza WITHIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS.
If you have forgotten the vaccination card a charge of £1.00 will be made so that we can phone your vet to confirm that vaccinations are up to date.
Whilst cats boarding here receive every care and attention, they are boarded entirely at the risk of the owner. Should any cat fall ill whilst being boarded we will contact your veterinary clinic where possible or our veterinary surgeon and act upon their advice and the expenses incurred will be met by the owner of the cat. However, we do have veterinary insurance up to £100 to cover all cats for anything where the cause is attributed entirely to the cattery, this does not cover any on-going treatment or prior illnesses.
If any cat boarded is found to have an infestation of fleas or worms, we will consult your vets and treat the cat at the owner's cost.
Sharing a chalet do so at their own risk. If aggressive behaviour is witnessed, we reserve the right to separate the cats for their safety and the extra chalet charge will be incurred by the owner.
Boarding fees are charged for the day of arrival and the day of departure.
Payment by bank transfer or cash only on or before arrival.
We do not have facilities for card payment.
Delivery and collection outside normal hours must be prearranged and will be subject to an extra charge.
In the event of cats being removed before the end of the period booked, we will charge 2 days additional boarding fees or the full boarding charge, whichever is lower.
If any boarder is not collected within 14 days of the stated departure date with no communication from the owner, and where it is not possible to contact any other person responsible for the cat/s, the proprietors reserve the right to dispose of the animals in an appropriate manner.
We request that cat collars are removed, prior to your cat arriving for their stay, any cat wearing a collar will have it removed for the duration of their stay. If you wish to leave on or use a flea collar this will be at your risk.
Any cat suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, any infectious disease cannot be accepted. All cats will be examined on arrival and we reserve the right to refuse admission to any cat showing signs of ill health, pending advice from a veterinary surgeon. For cats found to be, or suspected of being a risk to other boarders by a vet it will reside in the care of Lynwood Vet Hospital, Wimborne until they deem there is no risk to other boarders or the owner collects – this will also be at the owners’ expense. Owners will appreciate that this is essential in order to safeguard the health of all cats boarded.
We regret that cats over the age of 5 months, which have not been neutered cannot be accepted for boarding.
We reserve the right to take photographs of any cats boarding and copyright for public relations purposes, all such materials reside exclusively with The Log Cabin Cattery in perpetuity.
Your contact details (Inc. emergency contacts, ensure you have informed the nominated contact) are stored securely for future bookings. We do not share data with any other third parties, unless at your personal request. If you would prefer these details to be destroyed and renewed when you next book please inform us.
If you’re not sure whether your cat can stay at the cabin, please get in touch and I will be happy to assist.